Saturday, July 31, 2010

Rose Rocks the House at Cover to Cover

Carolyn J. Rose has a fabulous time at her book launch at Cover to Cover Books.

Carolyn J. Rose launches her latest novel, Hemlock Lake at Cover to Cover Books, 1817 Main St, Vancouver, WA 98660. I think she just said, 'die somewhere and take a bow,' but I was eavesdropping and gulping very hot coffee, so I'm not completely sure.

Book purchasers snag a chance to chat with author Carolyn J. Rose.

Books are flying out of Cover to Cover as well as Cake being devoured.
Local Safeway store reproduced the book's cover on the celebration cake.

A guest conversation overheard. . .
"Are you from that area?"
"1805? No, I'm a little more current."

All this on coffee and punch. Now that we have experience in these things we're looking forward to the next book launch, a collaboration: Sometimes a Great Commotion.


  1. It was an awesome book launch. I enjoyed talking with Carolyn J. Rose and all the fans buying autographed copies and eating cake.

  2. Carolyn J. Rose was a hoot! She should have a book launch every month. We could call it 'Book of the Month Launch Club,' eat cake, drink and merry and run home and read.

  3. It was fantastic! And I also loved talking with Carolyn J. Rose and was so glad to see the books flying off the shelves!
